Clases Pre-Bautismales
Contact: Antonia Garcia 818-731-8742
Educacion religiosa para los padres y padrinos. Spanish Pre-baptismal classes meet twice each month (Tuesday and Wednesday). Dates vary depending on when parents schedule the baptism of their baby.
Children RCIC
Contact: Jackie Tanker
(818-352-0706/(818-383-4688 ) or
Pre-school children are a special gift to our parish, but sometimes their fidgeting can indicate they are not engaged in what the adults are doing at Mass. While mom and dad are peacefully engaged in the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass, in the school buildings across the street from the church, E.C.C. gives their children a focused, fun time to learn about God and God’s love for them thru the gifts He has given us all, such as our senses, animals, air, water, light, etc. Volunteers assist the children in various lessons and crafts, and reading stories.
Pre-Baptism Education
Contact: Brenda Mikhail/Dan Baldwin
(818-352-5265-Brenda or 818-353-5770-Dan) or
Parents and godparents are the first teachers of children in the practice of the faith. The Church takes the opportunity prior to their child being baptized to instruct parents and godparents in the responsibilities they are taking on through baptism. The classes are held once a month for parents seeking to have their children baptized, though on occasion a class may be cancelled for lack of candidates to baptize.
Religious Education
Contact: Gloriann McGowan and Linda Masucci 818-353-3053
Religious education is as simple as sharing the faith you practice with children who have yet to learn the teachings of Catholic Christianity. A prepared course of study is followed throughout the year, leading the children through preparation for the reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist and continuing beyond. Volunteers are needed to assist teachers in the classroom in this very rewarding ministry.
Religious Education – Children’s Liturgies
Contact: Flor Zano (818) 353-3053 or
The readings from each Sunday’s liturgy can seem well above the comprehension of the smaller children among us. On specific Sundays throughout the year, for the Liturgy of the Word in Mass, these children are led out of the church and spend time together with trained adults in hearing the Word in their language and having it explained for their better understanding. They then rejoin their parents in church for the remainder of that Sunday’s liturgy.
Confirmation for Teens
Contact: Deacon Mar Enriquez
(818-216-6658) or
Confirmation preparation begins when students have entered their freshman year in high school or later. The preparation period is two years with different tracks of study for each year. Students make the individual commitment to be confirmed and make the individual commitment to attend both years. Teachers and aides assist the students in their faith journey to a more mature grasp and appreciation of their Catholic faith.
Adult RCIA
Contact: Mr. Jim Lank
(818-367-4757) or
The Restored Catechumenate for the Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a journey of faith over the course of two full cycles of the Church year for adults interested in becoming Catholic through adult baptism or conversion. Adults seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation are also welcome. Individuals proceed at their own pace.
RICA para Adultos en Español
Contact: Guadalupe Cueva 818-216-0154
Compartir la Fe con adultos que esten interesados en convertirse al catolicismo.
Meets each Wednesday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
Contact: Marie Dausner
(818-951-4846) or
Weekend collections come in different sizes and shapes, from loose change and paper bills, to registered envelopes. Often a special collection is included in all monies collected and must be counted, as well. A team of trained volunteers count the individual collections and provide accurate accounting of same.
Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts
Contact: Mr. Dan Kelgreen
(818-352-0190) or
GirlScouts Contact: Antonia Carasco
Our Lady of Lourdes proudly sponsors Scouting for both boys and girls, and has healthy troops in both. Parental involvement is according to the abilities of the parents. Scouts are expected to participate in all meetings and events.
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Contact: Candy Piscitelli 818-429-1333
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest, largest, and most respected organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. Through their fundraising efforts, they donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness.” The CDA was formed over 100 years ago and today numbers 95,000 dues-paying members in local chapters throughout the Americas. Catholic Daughters enjoy each other’s company at meetings and work hard to support our parish, school and community.
Couples for Christ
Contact: Mr. & Mrs. Tony & Mercy Abanilla
(818-687-7548) or
Couples for Christ is an international Catholic movement with official Vatican recognition from the Pontifical Council for the Laity. CFC is intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. The community is made up of family ministries, social arms, and a pro-life ministry.
Comunidad Hispana
Contact: Irma Velasquez
(323-447-2290) or
The meet five or six times each year, or more often when they have scheduled a special event.
Family Fun Days Volunteers
Contact: Anita Dominguez 818-397-5178
Our Family Fun Days is an enormous project that requires a full year of preparation, if it is to be successful. The parish significantly depends upon FFD as a major fundraiser and an occasion of parish unity. In cooperation with volunteers from Our Lady of Lourdes School and many parish organizations, food and game booths attract large crowds. It is the work of hundreds of colunteers, trained and coordinated by various committee chairs, that make FFD such a huge (and enjoyable!!) event.
Filipino Community
Contact: Bobby Rigoroso 714-350-4509
Our Lady of Lourdes is home to a large and proud community of Filipino Americans. Members of this community regularly host fundraisers for scholarships and to support parish needs, cultural events that highlight Filipino customs, and just plain fun times to which all are invited.
Grupo de Hispanos (Adultos)
Contact: Maria Rosalba Crespo
(818-282-2884) or
On the First Friday of each month, this group meets in the Church for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. They meet each of the other three Fridays in Room 6 of the Parish Hall.
Contact: Patrick Bellue
(818-281-0824) or
Many occasions within our parish involve a large social gathering with food and drink. Logistics are the easy part, but this group enjoys getting together to enable their fellow parishioners have a marvelous time in celebrating the life of OLL.
Knights of Columbus
Contact: Javier Vazquez 818-428-7106
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Council 4438 in Tujunga was founded over 50 years ago. Membership is limited to “practical Catholic” men aged 18 or older. The Order’s insurance program has more than $60 billion of life insurance policies in force. Council 4438 raises funds through various activities to support the parish, school and community.
The Pasture- Food Ministry
Contact: Gena Beierschmitt
(818-636-0501) or
“The poor you will have with you always.” Our Lord said it so clearly, and we have a responsibility to care for those less fortunate than ourselves. Simple food stapes, donated by local markets, keep many of our homeless and poor alive. Some congregate in our local parks; many are out of sight, alone in their homes.
Health Ministry
Contact: Eloisa de Guzman
(818-281-4818) or
Health Ministry is new to Our Lady of Lourdes parish. Each month new partnerships are formed to bring low cost health care screening and other services to our parishioners. In addition, several blood banks are planned each year that require volunteers to assist the health professionals who are not familiar with our parish. Donors also need TLC as they voluntarily give their blood to save lives beyond OLL.
Natural Family Planning
Contact: Mrs. Joan Noyes
(818-323-5281) or
Every fertile woman experiences recurring signs of her fertility. Natural Family Planning (NFP) teaches a woman to recognize and record these signs so that spouses can identify the days in each cycle when conception can occur and plan the timing of their marital relations according to their desire either to avoid or achieve pregnancy.
Our Lady of Lourdes School
Contact: Evelyn Cortes
(818-353-1106)or (818-352-7698) or
Our Lady of Lourdes School is a Catholic parish school ministering in the Spirit of Christ to children in preschool through eighth grade to learn, to live, and to love as faith-filled, educated, service-oriented individuals. We offer a challenging academic curriculum to a diverse student body with an emphasis on the formation of the whole child.
OLL School is fully WASC accredited with approximately 220 students. Nearly 98% of OLL graduates are accepted into Catholic high schools and then go on to accredited four year universities. Tuition costs are kept at a minimum by means of fundraising and support from parish organizations and individual donors. The school embraces any and all help from the community, parish and families to accomplish all of the wonderful events throughout the year including Halloween, Mardi Gras and Family Fun Days carnivals. Our new campaign, “Make up the Difference,” encourages donors to contribute any amount they can to offset the tuition of a family in temporary financial crisis. Persons interested in donating time or money are encouraged to call the school or parish office.
Respect Life
Contact: Joan Noyes
(818-353-5281) or (818-425-6251) or
Respect Life Ministry’s objectives are to make parishioners more aware of pro-life issues, and to recruit volunteers to address those needs. Such issues encompass the sanctity of human life from conception until natural death. Meetings are held as projects and needs occur.
Safeguard the Children
Contact: Helen Lopez 562-716-3238
Safeguard the Children was established to create a safe environment for children and youth in all Catholic parish communities. If you volunteer with children, the elderly or the developmentally disabled in our parish, you must have current Virtus training. Check to view a list of sessions in Los Angeles Archdiocese, San Gabriel Region. Remember to keep up with your on-line training.
Bereavement Ministry
Contact: Brenda Mikhail
(818-352-5265) or
When requested, volunteers in Bereavement Ministry assist families prepare the many details involved in the funeral of a loved one. Selection of readings, ushers, music, etc. can be daunting for those dealing with grief. A gentle presence assists families in these areas.
Martha’s Helpers
Contact: Mrs. Candy Piscitelli
(818-352-2506) or
Any large parish with a large population will have a fair number of funerals (along with baptisms, weddings, etc.) Funerals are a particularly difficult time for family members. When requested, through Martha’s Helpers, OLL continues the tradition of offering hospitality for guests, family members and other parishioners who may attend the services. This allows family to visit with guests and offer some closure that death may have brought to their lives.
Ministers of the Sick
Contact: Mrs. Eleanor Graf
(818-897-6143) or
Many members of our parish are recuperating in nursing homes or are unable to leave their homes. Ministers of the Sick bring the Eucharist to them. This is a great source of comfort to these men and women, and one of the great corporal works of mercy, to visit the sick. Bringing the gift of the Eucharist to them is a great assist to them while they are recuperating or confined to their homes.
Acomodadores y Acolitos Hispaños
Contact: Claudia Yesenia Navarro 818-205-8767
Jovencitos que dan la bienvenida y ayudan con la colecta durante la Misa en Español. Jovenes del 4 al 8 grado que ayudan en la Misa en Español o eventos liturgicos especiales.
Altar Servers
Contact: Raquel Rose 818-633-0813
(818-352-3218) Parish Office
To serve Mass is a privilege not given to all and one to be taken seriously. Knights are trained not only in what to do on the altar, but why they do what they do and for Whom they do it. Knights train regularly, study their faith diligently, pray together, attend meetings, elect their own leaders and offer community service throughout the year. Knights of the Altar advance through ranks by grade, until they achieve the highest rank in the Eighth Grade. All Knights must be prepared to serve any Mass early or late on the weekend schedule. Parents should be advised that Knights of the Altar need the full support of their parents in order to fulfill their commitment.
Coro en Español
Contact: Rosalia Perez
(818-642-9606) or
Musica para la Misa en Español o eventos liturgicos especiales. The Spanish Choir meets most Wednesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall, Room 6, and on Sundays from 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. in the Blue Room (OLL School). When the choir meets on Wednesdays, they reflect on the readings of the coming Sunday liturgy, and then select songs (some new) to be sung that day. This enables them to carry through the message of the readings, as well as to praise our Lord. During the Sunday gatherings in the hour before Mass, they warm up and go once more thru the songs for that particular Sunday.
Eucharistic Ministers
Contact: Mrs. Jackie Pensanti
Eucharistic ministers have a solemn responsibility to approach their ministry with reverence and humility. They assist in the distribution of the Eucharist to parishioners at each weekday and Sunday Mass. They are trained in their ministry and annual updates and retreats are provided. Attendance is required.
Lectors Scheduling
Contact: Gloriann McGowann & Robert Seward 213-278-8910
The Lectors’ ministry is a group of well-trained men and women entrusted as proclaimers of the word of God during the celebration of the Eucharist. They are members of the assembly who proclaim the first two readings and the Petitions while focusing on the spirituality of God’s word and service to His people.
Lectores Hispaños
Contact: Andrea Mata
(818-601-2805) or
Proclaman la Palabra de Dios durante la Misa en Español.
Lectors meet each Thursday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the Parish Hall, Room 6, to read and reflect upon the Word of God for the Sunday to which they are assigned. Volunteers willing to be trained and participate in practice are welcome.
Liturgy Committee
Contact: Ms. Michele Laforce
(818-515-5068) or
Sunday liturgies do not just happen. Organization and planning from music, to altar servers, to ushers and greeters, to décor inside and outside the church all contribute to a good, faith-filled experience at Mass. Special occasions require the coordination of many efforts. The Liturgy Committee has an enjoyable time planning and producing the various elements of our weekly and special liturgies. If you are willing to learn about the liturgy, you are welcome to join this committee.
Ministros de la Eucaristia Hispanos
Contact: Ramon & Alicia Villasenor
(818-433-9635) or
Imparten la communion durante la Misa en Español.
Meet the last Saturday of each month from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall, Room 5
Music Ministry
Contact: Mrs. Ania Balon
(818-224-9363) or
Our gifted choirs continue to inspire and encourage participation of all worshipers on specific Sundays. Each choir has a different assigned weekend, and usually sings at the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Under the very talented direction of our Music Minister, Ania Balon, our choirs continue the wonderful tradition that for many years has helped define the excellent liturgies of our parish.
Simbang Gabi
Contact: Bobby Rigoroso 714-350-4509
SIMBANG GABI is a nine-day novena masses to the Blessed Mother that begins December 16, as we await the birthday of Jesus. OLL’s Filipino community celebrates Simbang Gabi with a special Eucharistic celebration and reception to follow.
Contact: Ben Menicucci
Ushers welcome all who come to weekend and Holy Day liturgies, assist in seating parishioners, collect the monetary offerings, select people to bring the gifts to the altar, direct people toward the altar during the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and hand out bulletins after Mass. Commitment is approximately 90 minutes at the Mass that they normally attend with their family.
Youth Choir
Contact: Ms. Nina Ragonese
(818-522-9230) or
Our youth choir’s lively accompaniment draws great participation of all worshipers at the 12:30 p.m. Mass. . Under the very talented direction of our Music Minister, Nina Ragonese, our Youth Choir continues the wonderful tradition that for many years has helped define the excellent liturgies of our parish.
Devoción al Santo Niño
Contact: Martha Brambila
(818-293-0471)/ (818-517-4960)
Grupo de oración dedicado al Niño Jesús. This ministry helps its volunteers show their love and devotion to the Santo Nino (Infant Jesus) so that this generation and generations to come shall value the traditional traits of piety, friendship and hospitality. The devotion of the volunteers to the Santo Nino is a means of teaching themselves and their children to pray and to inspire all to live our faith by our works.
Devotion to the Infant Jesus
Contact: Ms. Maria Lourdes Fajota
(818-352-7996) or
This ministry helps its volunteers show their love and devotion to the Santo Nino (Infant Jesus) so that this generation and generations to come shall value the traditional traits of piety, friendship and hospitality. The devotion of the volunteers to the Santo Nino is a means of teaching themselves and their children to pray and to inspire all to live our faith by our works.
Divine Mercy
Contact: Blanca Marco
(818-352-3218) or
Divine Mercy is an approved devotion of the Church observed world-wide, based on the devotional practices of Saint Faustine. Activities include a weekly holy-hour, as well as the annual Divine Mercy Sunday program in the parish.
Legion of Mary
Contact: Linda Bustamante
(818-675-2348) or
Members of the Legion of Mary become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service in a family setting. Works include door-to-door evangelization, parishioner visitation, visitation of the sick or aged, Catholic education, visiting families, and meeting the other spiritual needs of the parish community. Legionaries are under the guidance of a spiritual director named by the pastor and are, in essence, an extension of the heart and hands of the pastor. Members meet weekly for prayer, planning and discussion in a family setting. They then do two hours of work each week in pairs.
Our Lady’s Helpers
Contact: The Parish Office
Our Holy Father and the Blessed Mother have both urgently called us to pray and meditate upon the face of Christ through the Mysteries of the Rosary. All Catholic families are asked to pray the Rosary. Our Lady’s Helpers assemble packets containing rosaries and instructions on how to pray the rosary. Our Lady’s Helpers have distributed these packets to 21 parishes in the Archdiocese. Volunteers are welcome.
Greeters Ministry
Contact: Paul Robich
Parish New Evangelization Commission
Contact: Nelle Orsburn
(818-352-3218) or